Jelly Bean Poem – Easter Resurrection Craft

Jelly Beans, Bunnies, Easter Eggs, – what do you think?  For myself, I don’t do much in the way of Easter Eggs, Bunnies, and jelly beans, etc. for Easter. I like to teach the true meaning of Easter in order that there is no confusion of its’ true meaning.

Easter is really Resurrection Day – the day Jesus rose up from the grave!  Hallelujah, He lives and He lives within my heart and can live within yours too!

When teaching Sunday School  I especially like to make sure that my class gets to hear the gospel soundly every week.  You can begin a series of instilling the gospel here.

The children I teach are from the inner city and most of them do not even have a clue who Jesus is.  How important to make that so clear and not mix other things in with it.

The Jelly Bean Poem

This poem has the same idea as the Wordless Book in that it uses the colors of the Jelly Bean to tell the story of Jesus and give the gospel message.
Have you heard it?  You can actually find it many places on the internet and even some different versions.  I am not sure who wrote the first version and there are many versions that I don’t care for.  So…

I wrote my own version below and then turned it into a craft for my Sunday School Class.

I am not sure if there is a rainbow jelly bean,  but I  liked the idea of the rainbow color because it represents God’s promise and He did promise to rise from the grave:; yes, He is alive today!  So use a bright color for this or use a handful of all the colorful jelly beans!  What child wouldn’t love that!

My Own Version of the Jelly Bean Poem

The Jelly Bean Poem

Below is a picture of the craft that we did.  You can get your own copy of this craft (it includes all the accessories for making it)  and the poem for your personal use.  Fill out the info below to get your own.  

This Series on Instilling the Gospel Begins here.

Jesus is Alive and Jelly Bean Poem Craft



Karan Kilpatrick

I love the poem and will be sharing with my daughter Brittney as she also teaches Sunday School in shifts with other girls from church. It’s a nice simple way of presenting the gospel to our young ones.Am reall enjoying this page. It’s very inspiring and thoughtful. Thank you for sharing!!

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